Qaser has extensive expertise in designing and developing eLearning platform as well as content.
Learning Management System
Qaser has developed a Moodle based Learning Management System (LMS) for tHinkHR(THR) Corporation in the United States. This system has gone live in October 2014 and has 115,000+ users at present. Over 2000 courses are being taken each week using the system and THR plans to scale up the user base to 0.5 million in 2015. THR offers more than 600 online courses on LMS at present.
Based on the spectacular success of the product in the US, Qaser sees a big opportunity in India for a similar LMS. The reasons are:
- Corporate learning is mostly classroom based and is either provided in-house or using external faculties
- The compliance regime in India is getting more stringent and hence keeping employees abreast of all the regulatory requirements shall benefit organisations
- Safety standards in India need improvement especially in Driving and road safety, Construction and Manufacturing. The recent legislation in road safety is an example.
- Smaller enterprises that cannot afford in house training and compliance departments can benefit by subscribing the online courses
- The competition in India is fragmented and there is a large untapped market
LMS Features
The courses offered by qLMS are organised in catalogs as shown above. The students can take these courses based on the authorisation provided by their administrators. The courses need to be completed by securing pass marks in the Quiz and then a certificate can be printed.
The administrators can track student performance, assign courses to students, add new courses and create specific tracks for various student categories.
qLMS also offers multiple levels of administration with appropriate access rights. There are a number of reports and a dashboard ensuring ease of administration.
Immediate enhancements shall include qLMS on mobile, ability for customers to create and add their own courses, individual course subscriptions.
The administration functions are shown below.
Qaser has developed over 50 courses for the LMS in areas like Safety, Compliance, HR, Customer Service and Project Management. The courses are SCORM compliant and are created using Articulate Storeyline as well as Go-animate tools. Based on a brief course outline provided by ThinkHR, Qaser provides an end-to-end service that covers:
- Storey boarding
- Course flow and layout design
- Content creation
- Animation and graphics
- Voice Over integration
- Loading on LMS and testing
Courses developed by Qaser figure in the most popular courses for ThinkHR. A partial list of courses is provided below:
- Complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Complying with the Family and Medical Leave Act
- Basics of Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Discrimination and Sextual Harassment Training
- Employment Law for Supervisors
- Substance Abuse in the Workplace